Вологодская областная общественная организация
«Федерация самолетного спорта»
Общественное объединение, созданное для развития и пропаганды самолетного спорта, полетов на самолётах, развитие авиации общего назначения (АОН) на территории Вологодской области.
Основными целями деятельности федерации является работа по следующим ключевым направлениям:
самолетного спорта, авиации общего назначения (АОН) в Вологодской области;
сборных команд и отдельных спортсменов в соревнованиях по самолетному спорту;
применению, эксплуатации и обслуживанию авиационной техники, аэродромов, инфраструктуры;
к занятиям самолетным спортом молодежи. Профориентация молодежи к авиационным профессиям;
Our extensive portfolio of into-wing suppliers provides a variety of choices with the assurance that your fuel is of the highest quality and will be there on time every time.
Our extensive portfolio of into-wing suppliers provides a variety of choices with the assurance that your fuel is of the highest quality and will be there on time every time.
Our extensive portfolio of into wing suppliers provides a variety of choices with the assurance.
Our extensive portfolio of into wing suppliers provides a variety of choices with the assurance.
Our extensive portfolio of into wing suppliers provides a variety of choices with the assurance.
Our extensive portfolio of into wing suppliers provides a variety of choices with the assurance.
Our extensive portfolio of into wing suppliers provides a variety of choices with the assurance.
Our extensive portfolio of into wing suppliers provides a variety of choices with the assurance.
Our extensive portfolio of into-wing suppliers provides a variety of choices with the assurance that your fuel is of the highest quality and will be there on time every time.
Our extensive portfolio of into-wing suppliers provides a variety of choices with the assurance that your fuel is of the highest quality and will be there on time every time.
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Our extensive portfolio of into-wing suppliers provides a variety of choices with the assurance that your fuel is of the highest quality and will be there on time every time.
Our extensive portfolio of into-wing suppliers provides a variety of choices with the assurance that your fuel is of the highest quality and will be there on time every time.